Entering the museum, pom pom!
Having arrived at the summum of my celebrity, page it is a normal thing that I would finally enter the museum!
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Why do you think being in a museum is so important? I thought you were a real net.artist, and that you only cared about online fame. You disappoint me.
Comment by Marcel — October 3, 2007 @ 7:04 am
ambition ou prétention? l’unique but était donc là , la reconnaissance muséale, quel esprit petit et amateur. Le début de votre jeu était intéressant, mais la suite est prétentieuse et stérile. Je suis moi même artiste et mon unique envie, mon unique motivation est de créer, pas d’exposer dans un musée en le criant à tous (même si on m’y a invité à plusieurs reprises)……. Très déçu…..
Comment by Pierre Pan! — October 19, 2007 @ 3:57 am
Dear Mouchette,
To remain visible or to fade. This decision must be made. I am sure you will make the right move!
WIKI go go go: Decision making is the cognitive process leading to the selection of a course of action among variations. Every decision making process produces a final choice. It can be an action or an opinion. It begins when we need to do something but know not what. Therefore, decision making is a reasoning process which can be rational or irrational, can be based on explicit assumptions or tacit assumptions. Decision making is said to be a psychological construct. This means that although we can never “see” a decision, we can infer from observable behaviour that a decision has been made. Therefore, we conclude that a psychological event that we call “decision making” has occurred. It is a construction that imputes commitment to action. That is, based on observable actions, we assume that people have made a commitment to affect the action.
Anyway – Keep on Rocking!
Comment by mario — October 21, 2007 @ 3:40 am
I appologise for my laboured attempts at language.Your work is the precurser to the most sublime vision. It is Revelation manifest.It has true luminessence. It awaits the unbegotten spark and yet fortells its very arrival but that which manifests itself through its medium must
Comment by Paul kurz — October 27, 2007 @ 3:36 pm
crock of shit
Comment by poos — November 11, 2007 @ 11:41 pm
This is. This was. It has ended. It is a point.
Comment by Jose Canada — November 13, 2007 @ 2:52 pm
I wish I could have been there.
Comment by Amber — November 18, 2007 @ 11:09 pm
you never fail to amaze. Is fame what you really want? Art comes from suffering. You of all people should know that Mouchette.
Comment by Anton — January 9, 2008 @ 6:41 pm